Taxation of Non-Resident Companies with Significant Economic Presence in Nigeria | Olisa Agbakoba Legal

Taxation of Non-Resident Companies with Significant Economic Presence in Nigeria  The Finance Act 2019 (“the Finance Act” or “the Act”) was signed into law on February 3, 2020. The major aim of the Act is to make the provisions of existing tax legislation more responsive to tax reform. The Act amended the Companies Income Tax…

An Appraisal of the SEC Proposed Rules on Crowdfunding and its impact on the Fintech Ecosystem in Nigeria | Olisa Agbakoba Legal

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed rules on Crowdfunding have elicited different reactions from stakeholders, it has rattled the cage of most businesses that leverage on the internet to access credit to finance their business, businesses that create an opportunity for other businesses to access credit on their platforms and operators of financial portals.…