Debt Recovery and Insolvency Law Firm in Nigeria
Our specialised Debt recovery team act for the largest Nigerian Banks, Financial initiations and personnel, and the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) in recovering non-performing loans. Our recovery process starts with a well laid down strategy pursued with vigour until the matter is resolved.
Our firm has a strong Insolvency practice and offers comprehensive services in corporate restructuring led by commercial Insolvency, insolvency-related litigation, negotiated settlements, security interest enforcement, and corporate debt restructuring. We represent many clients, including public and private companies, financial institutions, etc.
Our lawyers have been appointed as receivers/managers and liquidators of insolvent entities and assets. Also, we have expertise in conducting forensic investigations by way of comprehensive due diligence. OAL is a member of INSOL and the Business Recovery and Insolvency Practitioners Association of Nigeria (BRIAN).
We offer the following Insolvency related Services:
- Negotiation with Creditors for Settlement
- Acquisition and Sale of Distressed Assets
- Restructuring under Arrangement with Creditors
- Bi-lateral Debt Restructuring Liquidation
- Enforcement of Security Interest Facility
- Security and Credit Reviews for Lenders and Borrowers
- Advice on foreign investment and divestment
- Advice on the sale of businesses and assets sales
- Advice on Real Estate and Developement
- Joint ventures and shareholders agreement
- Advice on corporate structure
- Advice on tax implications in relation to commercial transactions and foreign investment
- Advice on regulatory requirements for transactions
- Legal Audit and Legal Due Diligence Services
- Advice on legal contracts and documentation