Law firm urges FG to Revive Maritime Coordination Board


Lagos, March 16, 2016 (NAN)

A Managing Partner, Olisa Agbakoba Legal (OAL), Mrs Priscilla Ogwemoh, on Wednesday, urged the Federal Government to revive the Maritime Coordination Board to access the untapped potential of the maritime sector estimated at N7 trillion per annum.

She told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos that the Board should be revived in order to tap the massive potential of the maritime industry.

It is noteworthy that there is massive untapped revenue in our maritime sector estimated at N7 trillion per annum.

In order to tap revenue from the sector, there will be need for an overhaul of policy institutional regulations and legal system.

Several but crucial maritime agencies supervise the maritime sector leading to multiplicity of policy, operational guidelines and taxation.

This leads to poor coordination of maritime affairs, which in itself will constitute constraint for any supervising minister,’’ the maritime lawyer said.

In our (OAL) opinion, this situation would be reversed through reviving the Maritime Coordination Board as the highest organ for strategy formulation, policy harmonisation and implementation,’’ NAN quotes Ogwemoh her as saying…Click for details


Dr. Olisa Agbakoba SAN